Advanced Network Defense Certification Training (CAST 614)

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Advanced Network Defense Course Overview:

With this course, students have the opportunity to rise above the outdated stereotype of hackers being the sole source of excitement. Instead, they can take pride in becoming defenders and cultivating a positive mindset towards cybersecurity. Throughout the program, students will learn essential techniques for fortifying defenses and establishing impeccable security measures. By reviewing best practices and methodologies for creating secure environments, they will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to safeguard against potential threats effectively.

By enrolling in this course, students can become part of an elite group dedicated to defending digital landscapes. They will gain insights into the latest defensive strategies, enabling them to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. Embracing the role of a cybersecurity defender, students can play a crucial role in protecting valuable data and information from unauthorized access and breaches.

With a focus on practical knowledge and real-world scenarios, this course equips students to confidently address security challenges and create a resilient and secure digital environment. By mastering the art of defense, students can become valuable assets in the fight against cybercrime and contribute to a safer digital world.

Enroll in this course today and join the ranks of skilled cybersecurity defenders, making a difference in the ever-changing landscape of digital security. Be the first line of defense and take pride in securing the digital realm for businesses and individuals alike.

Intended Audience:

  • Students interested in cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity enthusiasts
  • Aspiring cybersecurity professionals
  • IT professionals
  • Security analysts and administrators
  • Network administrators
  • Technology enthusiasts
  • Information security officers
  • Incident response teams
  • Anyone with an interest in cybersecurity defense

Learning Objectives of Advanced Network Defense:

  • Comprehend XSS
  • Comprehend SQL Injection
  • Comprehend Network Access Protection (NAP)
  • Comprehend NAP Components
  • Comprehend NAP Enforcement
  • Comprehend xp_cmdshell
  • Comprehend SQL Inject Me
  • Comprehend XSS ME
  • Choose the Right Database
  • Implement User-Based Identity Access Control
  • Comprehend Injection Flaws
  • Comprehend Cross Site Scripting
  • Comprehend Broken Authentication
  • Comprehend Insecure Cryptographic Storage
  • Comprehend Reverse Engineering Web Apps
  • Firewalls
  • Firewall Types: Stateless Packet Filters
  • Improving Device Remote-Access Security
  • Locking Down the Console Port
  • Protecting Terminal Lines
  • Establishing Encrypted Communications
  • Configuring HTTPS
  • Configuring SSH

LAB: Securing the Perimeter

• Advanced Filtering Techniques
• Ingress Filtering
• Egress Filtering
• Source Address Verification (SAV)
• uRPF
• Additional Filtering Considerations
• Time-Based ACLs
• Reflexive ACLs
• Reflexive ACL vs. Static ACL
• Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
• Essential Steps to Harden Routers

LAB: Advanced Filtering

• Advanced Filtering Techniques
• Firewall Types: Stateful Packet Filters
• Application Proxies
• Application Proxies vs. Stateful Packet
• Web Application Firewalls
• Web Application Firewall Types
• Web Application Firewall Products
• Firewall Architecture
• Screened Subnet Firewall
• The Classic Firewall Architecture
• Belt and Braces Firewall
• Separate Services Subnet
• Fortress Mentality
• De-parameterization
• Perimeter Configuration

Lab: Selecting a Firewall Architecture

• Windows NT/2000/2003 and XP
• Windows 2000/2003/XP
• Windows 2003
• Windows Vista
• Server 2003 Architecture
• Broken Kernel
• Modes of the OS
• UNIX/Linux
• Secure Server Guidelines
• Hardening Systems
• Security Compliance Manager
• Device Security
• Essential Steps to Harden Switches

LAB: Hardening

• Server 2008 Components
• Enterprise Protection
• AD RMS Components
• EFS Enhancements in Server 2008
• EFS Best Practices

LAB: Server 2008 Lab

• IPsec Rules
• Firewall Scripting
• Netsh
• Isolating a Server
• Group Policy Object
• Server Isolation Steps
• Domain Isolation
• Domain Isolation Issues
• Best Practices
• Trusted Platform Module
• Wave Systems
• TPM Architecture
• Crypto API
• Example
• Embassy Server Software
• Embassy Client Software
• Self-Encrypting Drives


• Windows NT/2000/2003 and XP
• Top 10
• Injection Flaws
• Cross Site Scripting
• Broken Authentication
• Insecure Cryptographic Storage
• Reverse Engineering Web Apps
• Tools
• Hackbar
• Tamper Data
• The Two Main Attacks for Web
• SQL Injection
• XP_cmdshell
• There is More
• More Tools
• SQL Inject Me
• Choose The Right Database
• Practice, Practice, Practice
• Tutorials
• Mutillidae
• Web Application Firewalls
• Components of Web Application Firewall

LAB: Protecting Web Apps

• Data Types Revisited
• Volatile
• System date and time
• Current network connections and Open
• Processes that opened ports
• Cached NetBIOS Names
• Users Currently Logged On
• Internal routing
• Running Processes
• Pslist
• Trivia
• Pslist –t
• Tasklist
• Tlist
• Running Services
• Open Files
• Process Memory Dumps

LAB: Memory Analysis

• Introduction to NAC
• NAC Defined
• NAC General Architecture
• NAC General Architecture Illustrated
• NAC Concepts
• Inline NAC
• Out-of-Band
• Identifying NAC Requirements
• Implementing User-Based Identity Access
• Network Access Protection (NAP)
• NAP Components
• NAP Enforcement
• NAP Best Practices
• 802.1x
• EAP Explained

LAB 1: Network Access Protection with DHCP
LAB 2: Network Access Protection with IPsec
LAB 3: Endpoint Protection

• Wireless Tools
• Wireless Vulnerabilities Summary
• MAC Filtering
• Hiding Access Points
• Hijacking
• Jamming
• Identifying Targets
• Wardriving
• Sniffing on Wireless
• Attacking Encrypted Networks
• Wep Data
• The other case
• Reality
• WPA Tools
• Asleap
• Comparison

Advanced Network Defense Course Prerequisites:

Basic Networking.

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

Choose Learning Modality

Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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