Java SE 17: Programming Complete

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Java SE 17: Programming Complete Course Overview:

The Java SE 17: Programming Complete certification is a comprehensive validation of an individual’s skills and knowledge of Java Standard Edition, serving as a testament to their proficiency in language syntax, object-oriented principles, exception handling, and JDBC. Based on the latest Java SE version, 17, this certification ensures developers have up-to-date and advanced knowledge, enabling them to create high-performance, secure, and portable applications. Industries leverage this certification to ensure their employees possess the latest Java expertise, enhancing job prospects for certified professionals. The exam covers key concepts, including data types, operators, loops, methods, classes, and interfaces.

Intended Audience:

  • Experienced programmers seeking to learn Java SE 17.
  • Existing Java developers who want to upgrade their skills.
  • Computer science students who need comprehensive Java training.
  • Professionals preparing for Java developer certification exams.
  • Hobbyist programmers interested in learning Java SE 17.

Learning Objectives of Java SE 17: Programming Complete:

The main objective of the Java SE 17: Programming Complete course is to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of the latest features and improvements in Java 17. By the course’s end, students should be capable of efficiently designing, writing, and optimizing Java applications. They will gain proficiency in utilizing the latest APIs and core functionalities of Java 17, including handling exceptions, file operations, multithreading, and functional programming. Additionally, learners will demonstrate a solid grasp of implementing various data structures and algorithms in Java programming, enabling them to develop sophisticated software solutions.

1: Introduction to Java

  • Introduction to Java
  • Object Oriented Principles
  • Inheritance
  • Use Access Modifiers
  • Practices for Lesson 1: Overview
    2: Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements
  • Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements
  • Assignment and Arithmetic Operators
  • Binary Number Representation
  • Flow Control Using switch Construct
  • Practices for Lesson 2: Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements
  • Practice 2-2: Use the if/else and switch Constructs and the Ternary Operator
  • Practice 2-2: Use the if/else and switch Constructs and the Ternary Operator
    3: Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects
  • Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects
  • Text Blocks
  • Wrapper Classes for Primitives
  • Local Date and Time
  • Represent Languages and Countries
  • Format and Parse Date and Time Values
  • Practice 3-1: Explore String and StringBuilder Objects….Part 1
  • Practice 3-1: Explore String and StringBuilder Objects….Part 2
  • Practice 3-2: Use BigDecimal Class and Format Numeric Values
  • Practice 3-3: Use and Format Date and Time Values
  • Practice 3-4: Apply Localization and Format Messages

4: Classes and Objects

  • Classes and Objects
  • Local Variable Type Inference
  • IntelliJ IDE: Introduction
  • Practice 4-1: Create the Product Management Application
  • Practice 4-2: Enhance the Product Class
  • Practice 4-3: Document Classes
  • 5: Improved Class Design
  • Improved Class Design
  • Access Modifiers Summary
  • Enumerations
  • Practice 5-1 and Practice 5-2
  • Practice 5-3: Make Product Objects Immutable
  • 6: Implement Inheritance and Use Records
  • Implement Inheritance and Use Records
  • Verify Object Type Before Casting the Reference
  • Override Methods and Use Polymorphism
  • Sealed Classes, Inheritance Under Control
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Practice 6-1 and Practice 6-2
  • Practice 6-2: Override Methods and Use Polymorphism….Cntd
  • Practice 6-3: Create Factory Methods
  • Practice 6-4 and Practice 6-5
  • Practice 6-6: Explore Java Records
  • Practice 6-7: Implement Sealed Classes with Records
  • 7: Interfaces and Generics
  • Interfaces and Generics
  • Default, Private, and Static Methods in Interfaces
  • Generics
  • Practice 7-1 and Practice 7-2
  • Practice 7-3: Test the Product Review Functionality
  • 8: Arrays and Loops
  • Arrays and Loops
  • The Arrays Class
  • Summary
  • Practice 8-1: Allow Multiple Reviews for a Product
  • 9: Collections
  • Collections
  • Create Set Object
  • Create HashMap Object
  • Access Collections Concurrently
  • Practice 9-1: Organize Products and Reviews into a HashMap .
  • Practice 9-2: Implement Review Sort and Product Search Features
  • 10: Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions
  • Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions
  • Define Lambda Expression Parameters and Body
  • Practice 10-1: Refactor ProductManger to Use a Nested Class
  • Practice 10-2: Produce Customized Product Reports
  • 11: Java Streams API
  • Java Streams API
  • Bi-argument Variants of Functional Interfaces
  • Aggregate Stream Data using reduce Operation
  • Restrictions on Parallel Stream Processing
  • Spliterator
  • Practice 11-1: Modify ProductManager to Use Streams
  • Practice 11-2: Add Discount Per Rating Calculation
  • 12: Exception Handling, Logging, and Debugging
  • Exception Handling, Logging, and Debugging
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Normal Program Flow with No Exceptions
  • Practice 12-1: Use Exception Handling to Fix Logical Errors
  • Practice 12-2: Add Text Parsing Operations
  • 13: Java IO API
  • Java IO API
  • Serializable Object Graph
  • Working with Filesystems
  • Delete Paths
  • Practice 13-1: Print Product Report to a File
  • Practice 13-2: Bulk-Load Data from Files
  • Practice 13-3: Implement Memory Swap Mechanism
  • 14: Java Concurrency and Multithreading
  • Java Concurrency and Multithreading
  • Manage Executor Service Life Cycle
  • Writing Thread-Safe Code
  • Summary
  • Practice 14-1 and Practice 14-2
  • Practice 14-3: Simulate Concurrent Callers
  • 15: Modules and Deployment
  • Modules and Deployment
  • JPMS Module Categories
  • Open Module Content
  • Multi-Release Module Archives
  • Practice 15-1: Convert Product Management Application into a Module
  • Practice 15-2: Separate Application into Several Modules
  • 16: Annotations
  • Annotations
  • Annotations that Validate Design
  • 17: Java Database Connectivity
  • Java Database Connectivity
  • Create and Execute Callable SQL Statements
  • 18: Java Securit
  • Java Security
  • Execute Privileged Code
  • Erroneous Value Guards
  • 19: Advanced Generics
  • Advanced Generics
  • Upper Bound Wildcard
  • 20: Oracle Cloud Deployment
  • Oracle Cloud Deployment
  • Example of the Microservices Architecture for an Online Mobile Application
  • Summary
  • Practice E-1: Present Application Logic as a Service Using Helidon SE
  • Practice E-1: Present Application Logic as a Service Using Helidon SE….Cntd
  • 21: Miscellaneous Java Topics
  • Miscellaneous Java Topics
  • Bitwise Logical Operators
  • Character Classes
  • Using the replace All Method
  • Stream Examples
  • Java IO, File Watch Service
  • Factory Design Pattern code demo
  • Singleton Pattern code demo
  • Bitwise Logical Operators code demo
  • Regular Expressions code demo
  • Threads deadlock, livelock, and starvation code demos
  • Streams code demos
  • Java IO, File Watch Service code demos

Java SE 17: Programming Complete Course Prerequisites:

• Basic understanding of computer programming
• Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts
• Proficiency in using a computer and browsing the internet
• Previous experience with a programming language, preferably Java
• Enthusiasm to learn, patience to practice, and dedication to advancing one’s career in programming.

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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