Java Swing (GUI) Programming

Duration : 2 Days (16 Hours)

Java Swing (GUI) Programming Course Overview:

The Java Swing (GUI) Programming Certification validates professionals’ proficiency in Java for building interactive user interfaces. It covers fundamental concepts of graphical user interface design, event-driven programming, and layout management. With Swing, developers can create customizable windowing and graphics applications in Java, compatible with various operating systems. Industries prefer Java Swing for its flexibility, ease of use, and cross-platform capabilities. This certification holds significant recognition and is valuable for individuals seeking positions in software development or web design. It confirms a programmer’s ability to utilize Java Swing effectively in crafting robust and user-friendly applications.

Intended Audience:

• Beginner programmers seeking to learn GUI programming with Java Swing
• Intermediate level programmers aiming to expand their Java skills
• Software developers wanting to design GUIs with Java Swing
• Computer science students interested in understanding Java Swing framework
• IT professionals pursuing advanced Java programming courses.

Learning Objectives of Java Swing (GUI) Programming:

The learning objectives of a Java Swing (GUI) Programming course are to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in creating Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) using Java Swing. Throughout the course, participants will gain a strong understanding of fundamental Swing components, including frames, panels, buttons, and text fields, and how to handle events effectively. The course aims to equip learners with the ability to use layout managers to design flexible and responsive GUIs, and integrate menus and toolbars seamlessly into their applications. Additionally, learners will be proficient in working with advanced components such as tables, trees, and sliders, allowing them to create more complex and interactive GUIs. Furthermore, the course will cover working with graphics and performing animations, enabling learners to add visual appeal and dynamic elements to their Java applications. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on promoting best programming practices to ensure the development of efficient and user-friendly Java Swing applications.

  1. Introductions to Desktop Applications
  2. Creating a Basic Swing Application
  3. Adding Components: Layouts, Buttons, and Text Areas
  4. Responding to Button Clicks
  5. Custom Components
  6. Simple Toolbars
  7. Communication Between Components
  8. Listeners and Events: Using Interfaces to Cleanly Separate Components
  9. Setting Component Sizes
  10. Setting Borders
  11. Text Fields and Labels
  12. Laying Out Controls with GridBagLayout
  13. Custom Events and Form Submission
  14. List Boxes
  15. Working with List Box Data
  16. Combo Boxes
  17. Checkboxes
  18. Radio Buttons
  19. Menus
  20. Using Checkboxes in Menus
  21. Mnemonics and Accelerators
  22. Message Boxes
  23. Open/Save File Dialogs
  24. Filtering File Choosers
  25. Model-View-Controller (MVC): Creating a Data Model
  26. Model-View-Controller (MVC): Creating a Controller
  27. Creating Tables
  28. Serialization: Saving Objects to Files
  29. Popup Menus
  30. Selecting Rows in Tables
  31. Deleting Rows in Tables
  32. Dialogs
  33. Spinners: Specialized Controls for Entering Numbers
  34. Password Fields
  35. Saving Program Data: Preferences
  36. Arranging and Designing Dialogs and Forms
  37. JDBC: Connecting to a SQL Database
  38. JDBC: Retrieving Values from Databases
  39. JDBC: Saving to a Database
  40. JDBC: Updating Databases
  41. JDBC: Loading Data from Databases
  42. Wiring in the Database Code: Bringing It All Together
  43. Intercepting the Window Closing Event
  44. Using Images and Icons
  45. Draggable Toolbars: Using the JToolbar class
  46. Split Panes: Creating Resizable Separate Areas
  47. Tabs: Using Tabbed Panes
  48. Tree Views Using JTree
  49. Tree Selection Events
  50. Associating Data with Tree Nodes
  51. Tree Node Icons
  52. Custom Tree Cell Renderers: Using Checkboxes in Trees
  53. Custom Tree Cell Editors: Editing Tree Nodes Using Checkboxes
  54. Detecting Tree Node Editor Changes
  55. A Simulated Message Server
  56. Multithreading in Swing: The SwingWorker class
  57. Modal Dialogs
  58. Progress Bars
  59. Distributing Your Application: Runnable Jars
  60. Adding Text to Progress Bars
  61. Cancelling SwingWorker Threads
  62. Setting the Cursor
  63. Multiple Nested Split Panes
  64. Responding to Tab Selections
  65. Custom List Renderers
  66. Responding to List Selections
  67. Changing the Font Using Logical Fonts
  68. Loading Font Files
  69. Configuring the Database Connection
  70. Editable Tables
  71. Using Checkboxes in Table Cells
  72. Custom Table Cell Renderers
  73. Using Custom Editors in Table Cells
  74. Applets and Animation
    • About Applets and the Following Section
    • Applets: Creating a Simple Swing Program that Runs in a Webpage
    • Drawing Custom Components
    • Drawing Shapes: Exploring the Graphics API
    • Deploying Applets
  75. Timers and Animation
    • Timers: Using the Swing Timer Class
    • Basic Animation
    • Smoothing Your Animations With Double Buffering
  76. Interactivity and User Input
    • Mouse Listeners
    • Hiding the Cursor
    • Key Listeners
    • Detecting Component Resizing
    • Using Visual Designers: The Free Window Builder Pro Plugin
    • CardLayout: Switching Between Completely Different Views
    • Detecting Collisions Between Shapes
    • Turning an Applet into a Desktop App

Java Swing (GUI) Programming Course Prerequisites:

• Basic understanding of Java programming language
• Familiarity with concepts of classes, inheritance, and polymorphism
• Knowledge of handling exceptions and multithreading in Java
• Understanding of event handling in Java
• Experience in creating and manipulating applets, JFrame, and JComponent.

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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