Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1

Duration : 4 Days (32 Hours)

Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1 Course Overview:

The Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1 certification validates a developer’s proficiency in utilizing and implementing Oracle Communications Network Integrity software. It focuses on designing efficient solutions for communication networks, understanding the software’s flexible architecture, and creating complex searches and process cartridges. Industries rely on this certification to verify their IT professionals’ abilities in managing network data, solving data integrity issues, and automating manual processes to reduce operational costs. The certification plays a pivotal role in enhancing business efficiency, maintaining network health, and ultimately increasing overall business revenue. Certified professionals are equipped to drive innovation and streamline network operations effectively.

Intended Audience:

• Network developers and administrators proficient in Java and XML.
• Professionals in the telecom industry dealing with network maintenance, monitoring, and integration.
• IT professionals seeking to enlarge their knowledge of Oracle communications network integrity.
• Consultants and architects interested in Oracle network integrity solutions.

Learning Objectives of Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1:

The learning objectives of the Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1 course are:

  1. Understand the architecture and functionality of Oracle Communications Network Integrity.
  2. Develop network discovery and reconciliation cartridges using the Device Markup Language (DML) and the Network Integrity Software Development Kit (SDK).
  3. Create and test User Interface Extensions to customize the Network Integrity application interface.
  4. Gain proficiency in integrating and deploying Network Integrity in a production environment.
  5. Customize and extend the capabilities of Oracle Communications Network Integrity software to meet specific business requirements.

Module 1: Introduction to Network Integrity

  1. Product Overview
  2. Typical Process Flow
  3. Using Network Integrity
  4. Network Integrity Architecture

Module 2: The MSS Integration Cartridge

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Cartridge Resources
  4. The MSS Extract Schema
  5. Importing Equipment and Circuits
  6. Discrepancy Detection
  7. Discrepancy Resolution

Module 3: The Network Integrity Model

  1. Network Integrity Model Overview
  2. The Network Integrity Model and POMS
  3. The Discrepancy-Enabled Characteristic
  4. The Scan Model
  5. The Scan Run Model
  6. The Scan Results Model
  7. The Discrepancy Model
  8. Miscellaneous Models

Module 4: The Optical Assimilation Cartridge

  1. Overview
  2. Dependencies
  3. Cartridge Resources
  4. Creating a Circuit Assimilation Scan
  5. Data Modeling

Module 5: The Web Service API

  1. The Web Service API Overview
  2. The Create, Get, and Get All Operations
  3. The Delete and Update Operations
  4. Start and Stop Scan Operations
  5. Get the Latest Scan Status Operation
  6. Submit Discrepancies in Operation
  7. Security

Module 6: Cartridge Architecture

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements and Dependencies
  3. Cartridge Resources
  4. Model Correction
  5. Extensibility

Module 7: Network Integrity Cartridges

  1. The MIB II SNMP Cartridge
  2. The Cisco Router and Switch SNMP Cartridge
  3. The Sample UIM Cartridges
  4. The Abstract CORBA Cartridge
  5. The Optical TMF814 CORBA Cartridge
  6. The XML and ASCII File Transfer and Processing Reference Cartridges

Module 8: Design Studio for Network Integrity

  1. Introduction
  2. Studio Plug-ins to Enable Studio for Network Integrity
  3. Configuring Design Studio
  4. Design Studio Concepts for Network Integrity Cartridge Development
  5. How to Import Cartridges into Design Studio
  6. Exporting Cartridges

Module 9: Cartridge Deployment

  1. Cartridge Building
  2. Cartridge Packaging
  3. Using the Cartridge Deployer Tool
  4. Using Design Studio to Deploy Cartridges
  5. Creating a Design Studio Environment
  6. Testing the Connection
  7. Deploying a Cartridge
  8. Undeploying a Cartridge

Module 10: Specifications

  1. Overview
  2. Supported Types
  3. Concepts
  4. Creating an Action

Module 11: Model Collections

  1. Overview
  2. Generated Code
  3. Downcasting
  4. Creating a Model Collection

Module 12: Actions

  1. Overview and Types of Actions
  2. Common Action Components
  3. Importing or Extending Actions
  4. Re-ordering Processors and Using Them for Each Structure
  5. Generated Code for Actions
  6. Discovery and Import Actions
  7. Assimilation Actions
  8. Discrepancy Detection and Resolution Actions

Module 13: UI Hints

  1. UI Parameters
  2. UI Hints
  3. UI Hints Attributes
  4. UI Parameters and Hints Editors
  5. Creating UI Parameters
  6. Removing UI Hints

Module 14: Processors

  1. Overview
  2. Processor Types
  3. Creating a Processor
  4. Processor Properties and Context Parameters
  5. Generated Code
  6. Processor Implementation

Module 15: Discovery and SNMP Discovery Processors

  1. Discovery Actions
  2. Selecting an Address Handler
  3. Result Category
  4. Discovery Processors
  5. Creating a Discovery Processor
  6. Discovery and SNMP Discovery Processor Methods
  7. Creating an SNMP Discovery Processor
  8. Adding MIBs

Module 16: Import Actions and Processors

  1. Import Actions Overview
  2. Import Processors Overview

Module 17: Assimilation Actions and Processors

  1. Assimilation Action Overview
  2. Assimilation Processors Overview
  3. Assimilation Processor Context
  4. Assimilation Processor Methods

Module 18: Discrepancy Detection Actions and Processors

  1. Discrepancy Detection Action Overview
  2. Result Source and Discrepancy Types
  3. Extra and Missing Entities and Entity Associations
  4. Generic Discrepancy Detection
  5. Default Severities
  6. Generic Discrepancy Detection Filters
  7. Filter Initializer Processors
  8. Filters, Handlers, and Post-Processing Processors

Module 19: Discrepancy Resolution Actions and Processors

  1. Discrepancy Resolution Overview
  2. Discrepancy Types
  3. Discrepancy Resolution Actions
  4. Discrepancy Resolution Processors

Module 20: Address Handlers

  1. Address Handler Cartridge Overview
  2. Creating an Address Handler

Module 21: Cartridge Development Planning

  1. Cartridge Planning
  2. Understanding Discovery Behavior
  3. Discovery Considerations
  4. Network Integrity Model Hierarchy
  5. Model Correction
  6. Planning an Import Action

Module 22: Extending the CORBA and TMF814 Cartridges

  1. Overview
  2. Cartridge Dependencies
  3. Cartridge Resources
  4. Data Modeling

Oracle Communications Network Integrity 7.1: Developer Ed 1 Course Prerequisites:

• Solid understanding of Network Integrity framework & architecture
• Proficient in Java development, including J2SE and J2EE
• Knowledge of Oracle Communications Network Integrity APIs and SDK
• Familiarity with Network Integrity drivers and cartridges development
• Basic understanding of CAS-TBS, MIB-II, and IP/MPLS
• Experience with Oracle Database and Application Servers.

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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