Shell Programming

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Shell Programming Course Overview:

Designed for experienced system administrators familiar with UNIX OE (Operating Environment) such as Solaris or Linux OS, this course enhances skills in UNIX shell scripting. Students gain expertise in script reading, writing, and debugging, along with automating common commands. The training covers user interaction, functions, menus, conditional logic, loops, traps, and comprehension of boot scripts. Participants develop the ability to create custom scripts for automating routine tasks and gain exposure to Korn and Bourne shell scripting languages, enabling efficient automation and management of system operations.

Intended Audience:

  • Software Developers
  • System Administrators
  • IT Professionals
  • DevOps Engineers
  • Automation Engineers
  • Technical Support Engineers
  • Network Administrators
  • Database Administrators
  • Security Professionals
  • Scripting Enthusiasts
  • Anyone interested in automating tasks and working with command-line interfaces

Learning Objectives of Shell Programming:

  • Develop interactive scripts
  • Write a script that uses functions
  • Perform string manipulation and integer arithmetic on shell variables
  • Write real world administration and reporting scripts
  • Use regular expressions with the grep, sed, and nawk 
  • Write a script that uses a trap to catch a signal 

 Module 1: Unix Shells

  • Describe the role of shells in the UNIX environment
  • Describe the various UNIX/Oracle Solaris shells

 Module 2: Shell Scripting

  • Describe the structure of a shell script
  • Create a simple shell script
  • Implement the various debugging options in a shell script

 Module 3: Shell Environment

  • Explain the role of startup scripts in initializing the shell environment
  • Describe the various types of shell variables
  • Explain command line parsing in a shell environment

 Module 4: Pattern Matching

  • Describe the grep command
  • Explain the role of regular expressions in pattern matching

 Module 5: The sed Editor

  • Describe the sed editor
  • Perform non-interactive editing tasks by using the sed editor

 Module 6: The nawk Programming Language

  • Describe nawk as a programming language
  • Display output by using the print statement
  • Perform pattern matching by using regular expressions
  • Use the nawk built-in and user-defined variables

 Module 7: Interactive Script

  • Display output by using the print and echo statements
  • Accept user input by using the read statement
  • Describe the role of file descriptors in file input and output

 Module 8: Variables and Positional Parameters

  • Describe the various types of scripting variables
  • Define positional parameters for accepting user input

 Module 9: Conditionals

  • Describe the role of the if statement in testing conditions
  • Describe the syntaxes for the if/then/else and if/then/elif/else statements
  • Choose from alternatives by using the case statement
  • Perform numeric and string comparisons
  • Compare data by using the &&, ||, and ! Boolean operators
  • Distinguish between the exit status and the exit statement

 Module 10: Loops

  • Describe the for, while, and until looping constructs
  • Create menus by using the select looping statement
  • Provide variable number of arguments to the script by using the shift statement
  • Describe the role of the getopts statement in parsing script options

 Module 11: Functions

  • Create user-defined functions in a shell script
  • Use the typeset and unset statements in a function
  • Autoload a function file into a shell script

 Module 12: Traps

  • Describe the role of shell signals in interprocess communication
  • Catch signals and user errors with the trap statement

Shell Programming Course Prerequisites:

  • Basic understanding of operating system concepts and file systems.
  • Familiarity with command-line interfaces and basic shell commands.
  • Knowledge of fundamental programming concepts and logic.
  • Proficiency in using a text editor for writing and editing code.
  • Basic knowledge of UNIX/Linux operating environments.
  • Comfortable navigating and working with directories and files.
  • Understanding of variables, data types, and control structures in programming.
  • Basic knowledge of regular expressions for pattern matching.
  • Familiarity with basic system administration tasks is a plus but not mandatory.
  • Prior experience with any programming language (e.g., C, Python, Java) is helpful but not required.

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

Choose Learning Modality

Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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