XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1

Duration : 2 Days (16 Hours)

XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1 Course Overview:

The XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1 certification is a valuable validation of one’s proficiency in Extensible Markup Language (XML), a widely used coding language for storing and transporting data. This certification covers essential aspects such as XML syntax, structure, processing models, and their interrelationships.

Professionals in roles like Web Developers, Application Developers, and Data Analysts find this certification highly beneficial. XML’s ability to standardize data sharing, interpretation, and compatibility across diverse systems and platforms makes it essential in various industries.

Having the XML certification showcases an individual’s advanced skills and knowledge in handling XML-related tasks, enhancing their marketability and potential for career advancement. It demonstrates expertise in effectively utilizing XML to facilitate seamless data exchange and interoperability between systems, contributing to improved business operations and data management.

Intended Audience:

  • Software Developers seeking to understand XML language
  • Web Designers wanting to improve website development skills
  • Data Managers requiring XML for handling data
  • IT Professionals needing XML knowledge for integration systems
  • Beginners in IT field wanting to learn XML fundamentals.

Learning Objectives of XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1:

The primary learning objectives of the XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1 course are as follows:

  1. Understanding XML: Students will gain a thorough understanding of XML (Extensible Markup Language), its syntax, and its significance in data representation and interchange.
  2. Creating XML Documents: Participants will learn how to create well-formed XML documents following XML syntax rules and guidelines.
  3. Using Namespaces: The course will cover the usage of XML namespaces to avoid naming conflicts and enable modular and extensible XML documents.
  4. Document Validation: Students will be trained in validating XML documents using Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and XML Schemas to ensure data accuracy and conformity to specified rules.
  5. XPath and XSLT: Participants will learn XPath, a language for navigating XML documents, and XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) for transforming XML data into different formats.
  6. XQuery and XLink: The course will introduce students to XQuery for querying XML data and XLink for creating hyperlinks between XML resources.
  7. XML-Related Technologies: Later parts of the course will cover additional XML-related technologies, enhancing students’ knowledge of XML’s capabilities and applications.

Module 1: Introduction

  • Understand the course objectives and goals.
  • Familiarize with the database schemas used in the course.
  • Introduce the Purchase Order XML schema (purchase orderxsd) used in the XML DB Course.
  • Explore the appendices used in the course.
  • Access class account information.
  • Get acquainted with the course environment.
  • Learn how to enter SQL statements using Oracle technology.

Module 2: Introducing the XML Document

  • Understand the fundamentals of Extensible Markup Language (XML).
  • Explore the advantages of using XML.
  • Learn about XML standards.
  • Get introduced to the Document Object Model (DOM).
  • Discover Oracle XML support.
  • Learn how to use XML in Oracle JDeveloper to build XML applications.

Module 3: Validating XML with a Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

  • Understand what a Document Type Definition (DTD) is.
  • Explore the reasons for validating an XML document.
  • Learn about the general DTD rules and their contents.
  • Discover how to reference a DTD in an XML document.
  • Understand element, attribute, and entity declarations in DTD.
  • Get familiar with validating XML against a DTD.

Module 4: Modularizing XML with Namespaces

  • Learn about XML namespaces and their significance.
  • Understand the reasons for using XML namespaces.
  • Discover how to declare XML namespaces.
  • Understand XML namespace prefixes and their usage.
  • Get an example of XML namespace declarations.
  • Learn about the scope of XML namespace declarations.
  • Explore how to invoke the ShowXmlNS tool.

Module 5: Validating XML Documents

  • Understand XML Schema and its benefits.
  • Compare XML Schema with DTD.
  • Learn how to validate an XML document using an XML Schema document.
  • Discover how to reference an XML Schema with the schemaLocation attribute.
  • Explore the components of an XML Schema.
  • Learn how to create an XML Schema document in JDeveloper.
  • Understand how to create an XML document from an XML Schema.

Module 6: Navigating XML Documents by Using XPath

  • Introduce XML Path Language (XPath).
  • Understand the XPath model and expressions.
  • Explore location path expressions and steps in XPath expressions.
  • Discover XPath axes and node test types.
  • Learn about XPath functions and testing XPath expressions.

Module 7: Transforming XML by Using XSL Transformations

  • Understand XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language).
  • Discover XSL Transformations (XSLT).
  • Learn about XSLT stylesheet and its usage with an XML document.
  • Explore how to view the transformed document.
  • Understand how to create and apply template rules.
  • Discover conditional processing with if and choose.
  • Learn about using modes in XSLT.

Module 8: Working With Xquery

  • Understand XQuery and its applications.
  • Explore XQuery terminology and data model.
  • Learn how to convert XML into a Query Data Model.
  • Understand XQuery syntax rules and support in JDeveloper.
  • Discover XQuery expressions, functions, and operators.
  • Learn about using FLWOR expressions in XQuery.

Module 9: Introduction to Oracle XML DB

  • Understand what Oracle XML DB is.
  • Explore the benefits of Oracle XML DB.
  • Learn about when to use Oracle XML DB.
  • Understand how Oracle XML DB is implemented.
  • Discover the features of Oracle XML DB.
  • Learn about using the XMLType and XMLType storage models.
  • Explore XML Schema support in Oracle Database 12c.

XML Fundamentals Ed 1.1 Course Prerequisites:

• A basic understanding of Internet technologies
• Awareness of website functionality
• Familiarity with data storage and transfer methods
• Understanding of markup languages, specifically HTML
• Good logical and analytical thinking skills
• Basic knowledge of computer programming languages is helpful but not mandatory.

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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